How to find back the missing application in the anaconda navigator

  1. Start a command prompt/terminal session. On Windows pick “Anaconda Prompt” from the start/app menu.
  2. Update conda and navigator:
     conda update conda anaconda-navigator
  3. See if Navigator starts properly for you now (i.e. it starts in under 90 seconds, and it lists the things you expect):
  4. If so, success! Email and let us know. If not, consider if you have added or setup any additional conda channels. If you haven’t (or you don’t care about ones you HAVE setup) then you can try:
     conda info -a
    and somewhere in there you’ll see an entry that shows you where your .condarc is. Find that file and delete it. Repeat step 3.
  5. If that ALSO fails then part of the problem for me this weekend was that my authorization token somehow became corrupted. If you have an Anaconda Cloud account (try logging in to then what you want to do is logout:
     anaconda logout
    And then repeat step 3.  If you need to be authenticated (e.g. you're accessing private content or you want to upload your own content) then you can always do `anaconda login`.
  6. If that ALSO fails then see if you can just start up your favorite programs from the command prompt:
     jupyter notebook
  7. If you can’t start up your favorite programs (but conda commands were working) then I think you have a borked Anaconda install. I’d recommend deleting the current installation (on Windows use the Remove Software program from Control Panel, Mac and Linux just delete the Anaconda directory, wherever it is) and you should download the latest version (4.3.1) and reinstall it.!topic/anaconda/yuwn52LSIwQ

over and underbrace brace in Tex

Use the Tex code below to generated upper and lower brace

\overbrace{your-formula}^\text{your comment} 
\underbrace{your-formula}_\text{your comment} 

The code below will give this result $$ s = \overbrace{ \underbrace{\sigma}_\text{real} + \underbrace{j\omega}_\text{imaginary} }^\text{complex number}$$

  z = \overbrace{
    \underbrace{x}_\text{real} +
   }^\text{complex number}

Use highlight.js to highlight code on

   Find the template HTML code: Design→Theme→Live on Blog→Edit HTML, then put the codes below just before </head> (use Ctrl+F to find it.)

<link href="//" rel="stylesheet"></link>
<script src="//"></script>

  Use the <code>...</code> to highlight code and <pre>...</pre> to make code block.
The updated download location is in

We van use different style of highlight (demo here) by change the file name in the above block. For examplem change default.min.js to github-gist.min.css will make the highlight become githhub gist style.

Use the code below to specifiy the language. the list of supported language is

<pre><code class="html">...</code></pre>

Finally, don't forget to escape text to html with online tool such as

Use MathJax to render math formula in

Attention: do not use the dynamic view theme, MathJax does not work on it.
   First find the template HTML code: Design→Theme→Live on Blog→Edit HTML Then put the codes below just before </head> (use Ctrl+F to find it.) The default math delimiters are

  • $$...$$ and \[...\] for displayed mathematics,
  • \(...\) for in-line mathematics. 

   You may use something like <span>$</span> to isolate the dollar sign so that MathJax will not use it as a delimiter. To always get the latest version javascript, use the recommendation on

<script type="text/javascript" async

if you want to use single-dollars for in-line math mode as in , you must enable that explicitly in your configuration:

<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
  tex2jax: {inlineMath: [['$','$'], ['\\(','\\)']]}
<script type="text/javascript" async src="path-to-mathjax/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS_CHTML"></script>